A couple of years ago, I stumbled across a book titled 1000 Gifts by Ann Voskamp.  Her invitation to slow down and see God in the seemingly small and insignificant spoke to my heart.  I decided to join her in her challenge to live fully right where I am by counting my blessings one by one.   This blog is an attempt to capture our days together as a family while giving a name to the many gifts that we experience along the way.

The smile of a friend, and the nap in a patch of light, and the whir of bike spokes, and the rose on the sill and that one great puff over flickering birthday candles- these are all for you.  What if we really figure it out? That gratitude for the seemingly small and insignificant- this is the seed that plants the giant miracle in the midst of it all. 
- Ann Voskamp

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Gift #628- Finishing